Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Moab and Arches NP

Awoke to cold, wind and snow flurries so we took our time getting out. First, we headed up to Canyonlands NP, which is about 2000 feet higher in elevation than Moab. Its about 30 miles but by halfway there it was snowing enough to obliterate any chance of a view so we turned around and went back to Moab! We checked out what we thought was a mining operation but turned out to be an environmental cleanup of an old Uranium mine - fascinating! From there we headed down a windy road along the Colorado River and saw some great examples of pictographs and petroglyphs.

By midday the sun came out! Hooray! But it was still really cold and windy - the high temp for the afternoon was only about 45 degrees. We spent the afternoon hiking around Arches NP, which is a special place. Some great hikes in spite of the cold.

Dinner at Buck's Grill House consisted of Shepherd's pie, baked potato soup and a Wild Meat Kabob (Boar, Elk and Buffalo!)

Heading for Navajo country tomorrow. We'll be three nights at Mesa Verde NP Lodge - may not have internet access, so if we don't post, not to worry!

Indian drawings
Uranium Tailings Clean up

Snowy view of Canyonlands

One of many arches

Great hike called "Park Avenue"

1 comment:

  1. Dinner sounds right up Shawn's alley. Sorry the weather has been so snowy/cold. Hope it warms up for you!! We miss you!
